My Very First Blog Post!
/Hey. Hi. Hello!
This is my first blog post here at Megmade with Love!
I'm Meg. I'm a crafty gal, who enjoys making anything and everything. Literally. I have done it all. From sewing to woodworking- I love creating things.
I've gone down many self-started business paths it seems. I've had a photography business, a wooden-sign making business and crochet business. I love trying out new things. But at the same time I grow tired with them rather quickly after I start. In the past, I almost always felt sort of trapped after getting into one topic or area of interest. I didn't understand it! How come so many people have their "thing" that they just know that's what they were put on this earth to do? It was frustrating (and sometimes still is)!
So this past year, I thought to myself: what if I DIDN'T have to choose my one thing? What if I just embraced my desire to create everything. Because when I'm honest with myself I just love challenging myself with new DIY ventures and saying, "You know, I could totally make that (or learn that)," and then doing it!
Maybe it's okay that I'm not a "specialist" or know exactly what I'm supposed to be doing here on this earth. Maybe I just need to have a different outlook about my purpose or creativity. That I shouldn't put limits on myself, because I am never satisfied when stuck in one field.
So that's why I started this blog. To use it as a vessel for my adventure in limitless creativity. I may be a bit all over the place, but ya know what, I'm totally fine with it. It's just who I am.
Looking back, I can see how God put certain things in my life to lead me to where I am. I feel like he instilled the roots of creativity when I was super young- blessing me with a mom who taught me to sew and crochet. And then meticulously put things in my path like a college jewelry-making class or meeting my husband's boss who taught me how to use a jigsaw. It's little things like that, that just blow me away. I am in awe of the God I serve and love.
Little goofy Meg. I love this photo not because of the awesome Rugrats jammies (ha!), but because it's of me using my imagination when I was younger. I used to want to be a "house designer" and would create these made-up houses with just about anything (as you can see, the books and crayons). I would get graph paper and colored pencils and design my dream home with couches and basements with pools. It's neat to look back at this.
Something else I'm excited about as I start up this blog is being able to utilize my desire to teach others. One of my dreams is to one day teach classes on various crafts. I really enjoy passing on creative knowledge, especially because I wouldn't be the maker I am today without the instruction of so many others. I'm happy I can scratch that itch here!
So is this the end-all, "what I'm put on this planet for" blog? I have no idea. And I love that I'm looking at it like that. It takes the pressure off of it being my "thing". Because in the past, I've put all my eggs in one basket (or in this case all my hopes of finding my purpose in the hobby of the moment). And that was kind of silly.
I do want to do something-- I want to commit to posting on this blog at a minimum of twice a week for a whole year. I feel like this is a reasonable amount, and will be a good for me. And if in a year, I don't feel up to continuing, then I'll move on. No pressure.
So here's to a year of exploring my creativity here on Megmade with Love. I hope you join me for the ride, because I'm guessing it'll be one interesting adventure-ha!