Seven Ways to Get Your Crojo Back

7 Ways I Get My Crojo Back - Megmade with Love

You’ve heard of it, right? Crojo.. a funny little take on the word mojo, but with a crochet twist. It’s when you’ve lost your desire to pick up a hook and play with your yarn, it’s just meh… not there for ya. Whether it be because you’ve had too many failed attempts at the sweater you’re working on (um ya, I feel ya on that one 😒) or because you’ve had crochet overload— losing your crojo can really leave you feeling crummy and uninspired. And then you end up getting frustrated with yourself because you’re not getting anything done because you simply don’t feel like it! It can be a vicious cycle.

7 ways to get your crojo back - Megmade with Love

Ugh. I totally get this feeling. I struggle with this from time to time and I know how sucky it is. I took a step back recently when assessing the thought of losing my crojo, I’ve realized a common theme when it came to the reasons: it’s almost always because I’ve had “too much” of something. I’ve been crocheting too much, failing and having to frog a pattern too much, or looking for inspiration too much. Having realized this, it’s sort of nice to be able to stop the “too much” before it ends in a lost crojo. But sometimes it’s just not controlled, and you end up uninterested. Once I’ve found myself in this spot, I’ve realized there are a few things I can do to get my crochet loins goin’ (ew, did I just say that?? lol!) I’m listing them in order of importance for me, the first one being the most effective.

1) Take a break!

Yep, this one’s my fave. It’s without a doubt the first thing I do if I’m just not really “feeling it”, and honestly taking a break is what usually works for me when getting back into the swing of crocheting. Sometimes we just need to step away for whatever reason, and a lot of the time, it’s because we’ve just had too much of something. Whether it’s crocheting in general, or even too many failed attempts… putting the hook and yarn away for awhile really can be the refresh you need to step back into it at a later time. I don’t necessarily have a magic amount of time that I take breaks for, because it’s always different. Sometimes I take the weekend off, or end up stopping for the night. I think it’s just important to be aware of the situation and how your feeling, then commit to stepping away for however long you decide.

2) Hop off social media

This one sort of goes hand in hand with the taking the break. I mean, you are taking a break.. from good ol’ social media. I’d be lying if I said this one wasn’t another favorite tool of mine to get my crojo back. I can be totally guilty of consuming too much content, and gathering up inspiration on Instagram and Pinterest— and you know what they say about too much of a good thing… And looking at it from a productivity standpoint, you’re not getting anything done when you’re endlessly scrolling. It’s best sometimes to actually log out, and get some work done, or log out for the sake of taking a break altogether.

3) Go somewhere that inspires you

This one really works for me. Usually when I take breaks I like to venture out to different stores or places that inspire me. I’m almost always inspired when I go to a craft show, and I think it’s because I get so inspired by other people’s creativity. I also like to go to antique shops, flea markets, craft stores, TARGET (hehe), or my fave home decor and clothing stores. I always go without expectations… just let it flow and enjoy the experience.

4) Get active, go outside, adventure

This one is definitely a staple for me in life but certainly applies to lost crojo. I find when I adventure outside and experience nature, things just… get better. I’m usually filled with gratitude, and marvel at what God has done in this world. It’s like your world expands when you go outside. Plus getting active releases those feel-good endorphins that’ll help your mood. Win win and win.

5) Simplify your project list/focus on one WIP

Sometimes you just need to simplify to get moving in the right direction. True for so many things in life, and this definitely applies to crochet. When you’ve got too much going on, it’s hard to focus, easy to get overwhelmed and causes delay. But when you put all your energy into one project, you get quicker results which leads to gratification of a completed project. And then you’re onto the next! I am very big on making it a habit to have only 1-2 projects going, because I know how easy it is to get sidetracked, lose momentum and eventually drop a project when I’ve got too many going.

6) Destash and organize yarn

Just like with #5, simplifying can be so helpful when it comes to your yarn stash. I know how it goes, you see the yarn…. you want the yarn… and you buy the yarn. haha I’m just as guilty as having way too much of it. But perhaps organizing and getting rid of some of your yarn could really help your situation. I think it’s good to go through every skein and ball you’ve got… feel them, imagine what you’d make with them and truly ask yourself if you really need it or is it unnecessarily taking up space in your home.

7) Do a different craft

Been wanting to upcycle an old piece of furniture for your home, but never seemed to have the time for it? Or maybe you’ve always wanted to try making pottery or weaving.. painting or bookbinding? Maybe putting up your current WIP for the weekend and tackling a different type of project is the answer you need. It might get the ball rolling for you creatively, and give you the gratification you need of accomplishing something beautiful. I personally love this technique!

Megmade with Love

And those are my seven little tricks that help bring back that lovin’ crochet feeling you so desperately need in your life 😉. Do you use any of the ones I listed or have any others that are your go-tos? I’d love to hear, so comment below! It can be rough when you feel uninspired to crochet— (especially if it’s your business!) so hopefully you could take at least one of these tactics into practice and be on your way to more stitchin’.

Take care and happy hooking!

How to start crocheting again - Megmade with Love

Going from Crocheter to Crochet Designer

Crochet Design - Megmade with Love

My mom taught me to crochet at a pretty young age, I was about 10. When I was young, I loooovvvveed all things crafty, I made friendship bracelets and sold them to other kids at daycare, asked for *all* the art kits every birthday, and got my first sewing machine around the same time.

Megmade with Love

Honestly, growing up, crochet was just another craft I did. I just dabbled in it here and there, and didn’t really pay much mind to it compared to my other creative interests like photography or graphic design when I was in school. Then when I was in college I started to get into it a bit more. I found out about Ravelry about that time and enjoyed seeing other people create really cool things with yarn, so I decided I’d pick up my hook again and make a cool hat (Vicki Howell’s Urban Jungle Beanie to be exact). To my surprise friends and family loved the hat and wanted me to make them one.

Megmade with Love

I continued to venture into the land of crochet accessories, mostly just making them as gifts.. a few craft shows here and there. But there seemed to be a reoccurring theme with all the patterns I followed— I usually didn’t have the patience to follow the instructions given by someone else. I always wanted to venture off and try to tackle it myself… I truly enjoyed the journey of bringing an idea to life by experimenting with different stitches and yarns. I wanted to be the creator of a new favorite accessory, the process gave me life!

Megmade with Love

Then came my verrrrry first crochet design and pattern in 2011 (you can see it in the photo above— I’ve still got it!). I tell this story often over on Instagram, but I’ll share it again here.... I saw a photo of a really neat crocheted bag in an online store that had these raised “bump stitches” in the shape of diamonds on it and decided I needed to recreate it, and make a pattern for it since it was a pretty pricey bag. But what sweet little clueless Meg didn’t know at the time was that those “bump stitches” were indeed bobble stitches, that could be crocheted in the round. Yep, so I looked at that bag and thought.. hmm.. how would I create that effect? Why, by crocheting millions of little crochet pieces then sewing them all. on. individually. LOL! Thinking back to that pattern always cracks me up because of how straight up ridiculous that is. But I’m still kinda proud of myself for just tackling the task with what knowledge and skill I had at the moment. I started a little blog called “knot the knorm” and put that pattern on it, along with some other sewing projects I was doing at the time. The website didn’t survive (and I’m glad it didn’t because that pattern was probably ROUGH) mostly because I was in college and wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life.

Megmade with Love

Fast forward quite a few years to 2016. Our son had just been born and I was looking for a way to earn some income online because I really valued staying at home and raising him. At the time I was making and painting wooden signs, and just wasn’t really enjoying it. I was craving something more… and right about that time I began to see really cool crochet designs on Pinterest and Facebook. It took me a few months of thinking and researching, but I eventually decided I’d become a crochet designer, and earn income via a website as well as selling the PDF patterns. The next year I started the Megmade with Love blog, crochet hook in hand and a crazy amount of inspiration to create patterns that people "*needed* to make.

Megmade with Love

With the teensiest bit of design experience under my belt, I decided to finally go for it. I crocheted a couple of hats, and with the help of some very patient testers, they gave me suggestions and thoughts on each of my designs. Was I a professional right out the gate? Definitely not. But I was learning some really valuable lessons while releasing patterns and I was actually getting my stuff out into the world. Slowly, after each pattern release, I became a little better and it became easier to put them all together. I was finding what I enjoyed making (what my “style” was) as well as what other people were diggin’.

Megmade with Love

I am so darn happy I decided to “just go for it” when it came to designing. I am 100% an advocate for just jumping in when maybe you don’t know everything or have everything figured out. I know if I never did, I’d be regretting it now… and I’d hate for someone else to have those feelings. I figured out all the particulars as I went, and I wonder if I spent more time researching or trying to figure out all those unknowns before starting I’d just be burnt out and end up not going for it. So if you’re thinking about taking the plunge into the world of crochet design, I beg you to take that next step into making it a reality. And if you find it’s not for you, that’s totally okay. You’ve learned something valuable about yourself and at least you won’t be thinking “what if?”

And that, folks, is my lil’ journey from being a crocheter to designing. Crochet designing really fulfills a deep creative desire for me, that I’m really grateful I get to do. It may not be for everyone, and I am in no way suggesting that everyone needs to be one. I just love sharing my journey on here with you, and hope to inspire others if they’ve got that itch, ya know?! If you have other questions about designing or blogging, leave them below in the comments. I love delving into this topic, so ask away... I’ll try to cover it in a future post. :)

Until next time,

How I became a Crochet Designer - Megmade with Love