Ten Free Warm Weather Crochet Patterns

Hello, hello. And happy Tuesday! Today I've gathered some of the coolest and cutest crochet projects you can make this warm weather season. Which is kind of funny, because as I type this we are recovering from a wicked blizzard that had us out of power for a couple of days. I think we got somewhere around 17 inches of snow. Crazy, right?! 

But it's all melting quite quickly, and the forecast has provided some hope (70's... ahhhh). 

Anywho, I've noticed multiple people asking over on a couple of crochet groups I'm a part of about what to make during the summer months, because it's not as common to crochet during the hot season. If you asked me a couple of years ago, I would have just said I don't even pick up a crochet hook in the summer. I was just so turned off to crocheting, and couldn't possibly imagine making anything while it's 90 degrees outside. But now that I'm blogging and delving more into the world of crochet, I see so much potential for warm weather projects. Like I would almost go as far as I prefer the projects to the winter season (gasp!). 

Below you'll find just a few of the possibilities you can undertake this summer. There really is so much you can do, get creative! And did I mention all the patterns are free? Yep, bonus! 

P.S. The last two are found here on my blog :)

First is this awesome bag designed by Persia Lou. I love the boho-ness and simplicity of it! You can find the pattern here.

This pillow is a real gem. I like the design and it seems like it'd be the perfect weekend project. Find it here.

These little headbands are pretty adorable. And not to mention warm weather-friendly! I think it's brilliant that they incorporated a pony tail in the back. Find the pattern here.

I included this adorable giraffe set, because it would be a great project for a baby shower, and would work for either boy OR girl. I really like the little giraffe lovey. CUTE! Find the pattern here.

Now this basket is super cool. It looks simple n' easy. My kinda basket! Find it here.


Ain't this dress awesome?? Find the pattern here.


I had to include another dress because this one is just adorable. It's kinda more of a "tunic" but it's perfect for summer. You could even throw it on over your swimsuit! Find it here.

Do I even need to talk about how clever and awesome these espadrilles are? Find the pattern here.

I recently released the pattern for this dreamcatcher. It's simple and lovely, and I think you need to make it! Pattern here.

Also found here on Megmade with Love are these THREE washcloth patterns. I love the texture of them, and they make great gifts! Find them here.

I hope you liked these warm weather patterns! Perhaps they provided some inspiration to pick up a hook this summer?? 

With love,